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  • 🚨Gehörst du zu den 25% die zu viel für ihre Kfz-Versicherung zahlen?

    Achtung, die Wechselsaison läuft nur bis 30. November – sichere dir jetzt einen besseren Tarif fürs neue Jahr. Überprüfe deine Kfz-Versicherung und spare mit einem Wechsel!

    👉 Hier geht's zum Kfz-Versicherungscheck

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  • Hi,
    what city el you mean? could you show me the one you have seen maybe a link?
    as I think Peter is an older man and didn't think me being English that I was going to turn up or I was just wasting his time.. far from it .. I am ready to come over..


    I will look to see if I can find that advert I saw..

    sorry to break up my reply it was limiting me to 420 letters!
    no problem i think you mean the one i have buyed i just have look at the cityel at his garage and he will help me to get the city el to my garage because it dont could move on its own wheels. so iam happy thats not o far away from my home. ;)
    But if you need help to find one in germany maybe translation i could contact one seller if you have choose one near your location.
    my english is not perfect but i can undersand most of it :D
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