Zu hoher Elektrolytstand schädlich? - Elektroauto Forum

Zu hoher Elektrolytstand schädlich?

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Adolf Höötmann

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Hallo Elistas,
ich hab gerade in der Reparaturanleitung des Cityel gefunden, daß ein dauerhaft zu hoher Elektrolytstand schädlich sei. Kann mir das mal jemand erklären?
Gruß A.H.


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hast nur zuviel Wasser reingekippt oder ist der Säurestand echt zu hoch ?
im ersteren hift ordentlich laden , im zweiten nur wieder rausholen


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Vor kurzem hatte ich von einem Kunden Batterien in der Hand die randvoll bis oben
aufgefüllt waren. Diese Batterien haben schlapp gemacht. Ich habe bei Trojan zu diesem Thema folgendes gefunden:


Hier die Beschreibung von Trojan Batterien (Banner)

(Flooded batteries only)
Flooded batteries need water. More importantly, watering must
be done at the right time and in the right amount or else the
battery’s performance and longevity suffers.
Water should always be added after fully charging the battery.
Prior to charging, there should be enough water to cover the
plates. If the battery has been discharged (partially or fully), the
water level should also be above the plates. Keeping the water
at the correct level after a full charge will prevent having to worry
about the water level at a different state of charge.
Depending on the local climate, charging methods, application,
etc. Trojan recommends that batteries be checked once a month
until you get a feel for how thirsty your batteries are.
Important things to remember:
1. Do not let the plates get exposed to air. This will damage
(corrode) the plates.
2. Do not fill the water level in the filling well to the cap. This
most likely will cause the battery to overflow acid, consequently
losing capacity and causing a corrosive mess.
3. Do not use water with a high mineral content. Use distilled or
deionized water only.

CAUTION: The electrolyte is a solution of acid and water so skin
contact should be avoided.

Step by step watering procedure:
1. Open the vent caps and look inside the fill wells.
2. Check electrolyte level; the minimum level is at the top of
the plates.
3. If necessary add just enough water to cover the plates at this
4. Put batteries on a complete charge before adding any
additional water (refer to the Charging section).
5. Once charging is completed, open the vent caps and look
inside the fill wells.
6. Add water until the electrolyte level is 1/8" below the bottom
of the fill well.
7. A piece of rubber can be used safely as a dipstick to help
determine this level.
8. Clean, replace, and tighten all vent caps.
WARNING: Never add acid to a battery.

Adolf Höötmann

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Haqllo Gerald,
ich habs nur in der Anleitung gelesen. Mir ist schon klar, daß die Säure Korrosion hervorruft, wenn sie überläuft, aber was in der Batterie selbst angerichtet wird ist mir auch nach dem Trojan Statement von Claus nicht ganz klar.
Gruß A.H.


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