Voll cabrio verdeck - Elektroauto Forum

Voll cabrio verdeck

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Sascha Meyer

Bekanntes Mitglied
Year, i did buy one with a phantastic quality.
You just have to ask Peter Juergens. By the way, i recommend to buy a Cityel cover or deck or however you tell it aehem what did i whant to say, aehm, aaah, i recommend to buy one without any knobs. You have to adjust it to your personal el to have the best fittin´..

So you have to contact www . bastelwastel24 . de that is Peter Juergens.
Did i mentioned that the price was surprisingly low?

Greetings from Saarland, Sascha

henrik gade

Hi Sascha

Thank you for the answer, i have now ordred a new voll cabrio verdeck at www.bastelwastel24.de :)

Sascha Meyer

Bekanntes Mitglied
Hi Henrik,
you will have lots of fun with it. For the knobs, i can advise you this tenax-knobs known from boats and ships. They fix theire boat coverage with this knobs. I did take them for my deck and am very pleased.

Greetings from Germany, Sascha


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