riss im dom

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also ich kann es lesen....:spos:
kjeld meint, dass die netten leute in aub, ihm einen verstärkungsring+kleber+ganz wichtigem primer verkauft haben.
er hat ihn noch nicht montiert und hat festgestellt, dass sein ellert untenrum im dom rissfrei ist.


Kjeld Holm

Hi Bernd / Canilin
Thank You very much for your invitation :)

What I ment was that there was no cracks in the GFK / DOM, so maybe I will wait a little before I will mount the ring.

Hi all
48V Virgintrip:
Last weekend I got 48V running in my 1998 Cityel, at last. It is like a total different car :) Better acceleration, better speed uphills, runs 70 km/h on flat roads, keep up with traffic trough the city.

But the Trige-motor is quite warm after such a trip and my 3 Vliess batteryes is making a little boiling noise. I did not know Vliess could this and maybe is it is not healty for them ?
Maybe because I din not readjust the max-current limiter yet and it has increased by 10A to 120A.

The big extra 12V battery is made of 4 x 60Ah LiFePo4 (only 10Kg) so it can easy be placed in the rear, to keep my feetspace in the front free:
Der Link wurde entfernt (404).

Extra 4. standard lead-acid (blei) charger 12V 15A for the 4 LiFe-batts. And no BMS yet, so I temperary try to look after them manually like small babyes. I bourgt these Thunderskies as little used from Ebay.de in aug. from a scooter project. It is good to get a little practise with a small Lithium-Pack
Der Link wurde entfernt (404).

I still mis a DC-DC-Conveter for the moment, but a small 12V 7A sealed lead acid battery did supply light on my 48V-trips.
I was impressed of the Cityel-simplicity because the Cityel was running OK even without 12V !!! (forgot connecting the 7Ah battery after shopping), without light, but good to know for emergencyes !

Noise when turning:
The last 300 meters of my first fast 48V trip, the frontwheel made a noise duk, duk, duk when I made 90 degrees turns, with some speed.
Does anybody know the reason for this. The car should not be worn out yet, only 7000Km in all.

My next 2 trips there was only this noise when i make sharp turns with some speed

Could it maybe come from the (riss im DOM !? ) thing so the whole frontwheel-setup i weeker than it should be, and therefor the frontwheel is bending against the side in sharp turns ?
(There is a little new marks from the wheel under the frontwheel housing / DOM )


Neues Mitglied
Bei dem Dom meines ELs konnte man vorne schon durchschauen. Von einer alten Unterschale habe ich ein Domstück (Ring mit "Schürze", die vorne hinunter über den Riss geht) ausgeschnitten. Dann habe ich Ober- und Untereil voneinander losgelöst, das Unterteil von unten, das Oberteil von oben auflaminiert (unterstützt mit Glasfasermatten). Wegen der Dickenzunahme wurde die Vorderradeinheit mit längeren Schrauben wieder untergeschraubt. Ich hoffe, dass es hält!


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