Why brake fluid look like this? - Elektroauto Forum

Why brake fluid look like this?

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Hi, friends!

Why brake fluid look like this?
I never look inside of the brake tank before, i think that something is not O.K....

Also i hope someone can tell where to find how to disassemble "pedalkonsole" (I mean step by step, there is nothing like "step by step" in elwiki ).I want to check what`s situation inside of brake system..

Aaaa.. :) And how to drain all brake fluid without to flood all El??

Thank you!


Bekanntes Mitglied

Look at ElWiki (Bremsfüssigkeit) is Only in German but i belive you now the tools to translate.

It look like a "blend" of DOT5 with "Dust" (in the area of the pedalplate) ; Sealing Rubber ; an Aluminium - demixt. (After Hours )

I belive that wee see on the picture - the most of that comes from inside of the Maincylinder. (Of the El older like 10J )

(Tja das ist der Nachteil von dem Silikonzeug - hach zieht kein Wasser - muß also nicht zwingend getauscht werden - also bleibt der ganze Mist der nicht drin zu suchen hat mit drin und macht mit der Zeit die Laufbahn kaputt.)

Please then the time is for- the minimum Work. - deassemble the Cylinder clean it the sealingring of course careful and take new DOT5.


It is not (After Hours ), it goes like this immediately.

Please tell me how to drain out brake fluid ?


Bekanntes Mitglied

It looks like there is water in the brake fluid, but it sees to be there right one DOT5 because in all other fluids the the water will be solved in the fluid not separated as in your photo.

To change the fluid remove all the fluid, fill in new one and pump with the pedal the fluid out of the tubing and the weel brake cylinders.

This takes a lot of time but its the only way to be sure that all water is out of the system if you do not disassemble the whole system.




Bekanntes Mitglied
without use DOT5, in the case you have not enough DOT 5.0 to flush

You have a "hot" room for the EL, becouse the Pipe in Cylinder in the whell have to >20 degree!

Press Breakcleaner in Metallpipe an open the connector or valve on the Breakcylinder. Wait until als the Breackcleaner ist evaporate ( > 20Degree, so you need not sooo mutch DOT5.0) for the flush.



It is to oily to be water i think. I think it is just pure brake fluid.
I dissassemble Breakcylinder it was tragedy inside...

But now don`t have any brakes?
I pump break pedal but i think it will last forever and still no brakes.
Did i miss something.May be there is a easiest way?



Bekanntes Mitglied
must be strong scratch on the rear Cylinder part - the reason the elementary sealing to the outside is not enough specially in the area of shoes. Then outer sinde of sealing is little wet from siliconöl sand an dust come on it at the next, the piston pull it in the Cylinder....the rest is Time.

Noch so ein sch***s den man in den letzten zwei Dekaden für maximal 3 Euro Materialkosten hätte verbessern können.


[quote thegray]
Ok - then it is Water in the upper part?

Sorry ? you have done!

I don`t understand what you mean.
I think that there is a way to dry the sistem.. Valve or something like this..


Bekanntes Mitglied
Roman ich möchte dir nicht widersprechen den wenn es Wasser wäre sollte es wie in der Abbildung in ELwiki umgekehrt sein. (Wenn wir mal absehen das es unterschiedlich Dichte Silikonöle gibt und ich mal voraussetzte egal woher das DOT5 stammt das gleiche Grundstoff verwendet wird und damit die gleiche spezifische Gewicht hat.)

Auf der anderen Seite - kann ich mich bei meiner Pampe nicht entsinnen das es sich so schnell entmischt hat.

Nun gut Sagen wir es ist Reines Silikon - Punkt.
Die alternative würde die Frage aufwerfen woher soviel Wasser aber das wäre wenn eine andere Geschichte.


Bekanntes Mitglied

Hast recht soeben ausprobiert das DOT5 ist oben. bleibt die Frage woher der Rest kommt, also vielleicht mal falsche Flüssigkeit nachgefüllt und das Zeug vermischt sich nicht, sondern zieht nur die Farbe aus dem DOT5.

Daß es vom Bremszylinder kommt glaube ich nicht, der ist nach außen hin dicht, die Stange zum Pedal kann man rausnehmen ohne daß was ausläuft da ist vermutlich ne Rollbalgdichtung drinnen.





I want to specify . Inside was many aluminum shavings, and something like jelly.Now cylinder work better, move very easy - it was hard to push it.
Also cylinder don`t return to the full way before . Now is OK.
Here you can see:
jelly and trash inside

Before cylinder don`t return to full way back.

I fill the brake tank with dot5 ,..pump, pump but no brakes.


Bekanntes Mitglied
Ok possible i found the misunderstanding - i thought you know how to do bleeding the brakesystem - my mistake.

Yes - Look her <klickme) find part 25 in a neighborhood of the tube part 26 . This - littel Nippel - is the outlet that is , to open.

The normal Proceed ist take out the old DOT of the reservoir part 1, fill it up with fresh - Normaly you need two persons - one press the Brakepedal an the other open part26 with a tool - box wrench not thin spanner ( carefulness take a good tool the Material of outlet is not stable)
Leave the Pedal press to the bottom , close outlet(part 26); at next lift pedal; press again and open outlet- hold down and close....and again and.... in this progess the fresh DOT will be pump through the whole system. (normaly you will reconize the fresh at the end)
And at the beginning, dont forget a littel plastic Tube on the nipple an the other end in a glass.

You have to do this three times -an all wheels.


Bekanntes Mitglied
Im working ont the text - you bring the next question:rp:

I hope i make it so, you can go forward.

And the reason of yous last posting - You have now air in the system if you make pressure the Power compress the Air thats all (of Couse the Sealing-Rings are good too)


IT`S AliiiiiiiiiiVEEEE !!! :)
It work!!!
Now i try the breaks, it is a 100 times better !!!

Everything is O.K.

Thank you for the help so much!





It is just very cold here and i work very fast.I know all parts of El very well, just sometimes i need little help..
Here in Bulgaria no one can help to me.No one don`t own El. (Just only one El owner, he is my friend too ).
People here in forum can help.. And always help. :cheers:

Otherwise my El is doomed in garage. :D

Thanks again to all !

It is easiest way to pump on the pedal a one hour less when you start to fill the system. HAHAHA :D

UNWIND just little the screw "I" or "II"(it is not important what screw will be first) and pump on the break pedal ...pump to the moment when just appear first drop of fluid. It is OK now .Pedal must be in down position then wind the screw . You can do this first with "I" and after that with "II"(This is my way). Cylinder is full with fluid now and you don`t pump only AIR. :D


By the way did any one can tell to me what is "III". This is not in every EL. Usually El have only pot(potentiometer) and microshalter .
Any ideas?


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