Understanding user–battery interaction style (UBIS) - Elektroauto Forum

Understanding user–battery interaction style (UBIS)

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Nachricht gemeldet am: 10.12.2013
Autor / Quelle: bdasb / TU Chemnitz
Weblink: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1369847813000776

<br>Understanding charging behaviour of electric vehicle users<br><br> Thomas FrankeCorresponding author contact information, E-mail the corresponding author,<br> Josef F. Krems ... hat den ""Dialog mit realen EV-Fahrern"" wohl aufgegeben ?<br><br> Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany<br><br>Choose an option to locate/access this article:<br>Check if you have access through your login credentials or your institution<br> <br>Purchase $27.95<br><br><br>Highlights<br><br>•We propose that user–battery interaction style (UBIS) is associated with charging behaviour.<br>•UBIS and comfortable range can account for characteristics of charging behaviour.<br>•UBIS is related to users’ confidence in their mental model of range dynamics.<br>•UBIS is related to utilization of range and of excess energy from renewable sources.<br><br>Abstract<br><br>We examined the psychological dynamics underlying charging behaviour of electric vehicle (EV) users. Data from 79 EV users were assessed in a 6-month EV field study. On average, users charged their EV three times per week, drove 38 km per day, and they typically had a large surplus of energy remaining upon recharging. Based on first findings concerning charging style among mobile phone users, we hypothesized that user–battery interaction style (UBIS) is a relevant variable for understanding charging behaviour of EV users.<br>We developed measures to assess UBIS. Results show that it is a relatively temporally stable characteristic which also shows some cross-device consistency. As predicted by our conceptual model, UBIS and comfortable range explain the charge level at which people typically recharged. UBIS was related to users’ confidence in their mental model of range dynamics, the utilization of range, and to excess energy from renewable sources. This research has implications for optimizing sustainability of electric mobility systems.<br><br>user–battery interaction style UBIS ... man kann sich auch alles zusammenforschen ....


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