Kewet eljet 5 carcontroller fault - Elektroauto Forum

Kewet eljet 5 carcontroller fault

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henrik gade

Hi all electric car owners

first of all, sorry for the english, but i cant write german.

i,am from denmark, and have bought and kewet eljet 5. i have mounted some new batteries, and reset the carcontroller. but when i turn the ignition on, every thing lights up, but when i turn the kewet of, the display wont turn off.

i have found out that i maybe have and defective eeprom 24c02, i have tried with and empty one, but then the car wont turn on at all. and i cant get the cap meter higher then 60%

is there anybody who has the equment to read the eeprom to a file, and send it to me? or have an good idear?

i have tried to reset the controller many times, with jumpers on S8 and S9, but the cap wont go higher then 60%

Best regards
Henrik Gade

Reinhold Schebler

Aktives Mitglied
Hello Henrik!
Is the Light of when you push the Not-Aus button?
Maybe there ist a Probem with the Relais on the Controlerboard.
does the car run?
Is the Batteriecontroler Synchron to the Batterie?


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