Frankreich "Bonus - Malus" System ab 2014 - Elektroauto Forum

Frankreich "Bonus - Malus" System ab 2014

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Elweb Admin

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Nachricht gemeldet am: 01.10.2013
Autor / Quelle: BdasB / tenologyvehicles

<br> <br><br>French Bonus - Malus, official projected figures for 2014 – up to 8.000€ taxes!<br>Official figures have been announced Wednesday as part of the 2014 budget proposal at the council of ministers.<br> <br>Bonuses do not move with 200 to € 7.000 below 105g/km.<br> <br>2014 Bonus for hybrid and electric cars<br>-Electric Cars € 7,000 grant (25% maximum of the value)<br>-Hybrid Vehicles € 4,000<br> <br>2014 Bonus for green cars<br>-Vehicles below 50g/km € 7,000<br>-Vehicles between 51 and 60g/km € 4,500<br>-Vehicles between 61 and 90g/km € 550<br>- Between 91 and 105g/km € 200<br> <br>Note: we would have appreciated the introduction of intermediate steps between 61 and 90g/km as the difference in terms of grant is very significant between the two...<br> <br>The Neutral Zone passes between 106 and 130g/km (instead of 135 in 2013) with an increase of the malus amount of each level<br> <br>2014 tax for polluting cars<br>The range between 131 and 135g/km is now taxed at 150 €<br>136 to 140g/km € 250 (+150)<br>141 to 145g/km € 500 (+200)<br>146 to 150g/km € 900 (+500)<br>151 to 155g/km € 1,600 (+600)<br>156 to 175g/km € 2,200 (+700)<br>176 to 180g/km € 3,000 (+1000)<br>181 and 185 g / km € 3,600 (+1000)<br>186 and 190g/km € 4,000 (+1000)<br>191 and 200g/km € 6,500 (+1500)<br> <br>For cars emitting more than 200g/km Malus now reaches €8,000 instead of € 6,000<br>


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