[quote="Freck" post=627]Hey,
ich werde aus der Anzeige der Batterietemperatur im Leaf nicht schlau. Ich dachte mir, dass es ja praktisch ist, wenn man über die Temperatur des Akkus informiert wird, allerdings wäre eine Zahl hierfür besser als diese Balken. Hat jemand einen Anhaltspunkt, was ein Balken bedeutet?
Hier ein Auszug aus dem Leaf-Wiki: http://www.mynissanleaf.com/wiki/index.php?title=Battery
Battery Temperature Gauge
The Li-Ion battery gauge is a 12-segmented gauge with very coarse granularity. Below are the battery temperature ranges that may be indicated by a given number of bars. The specific values shown are interpolations done by RegGuheert from a graph in the service manual. Note that there is a great deal of overlap. Consider, for example, a battery temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit. This could be displayed as 5, 6, or 7 bars. Nissan explains this by stating that the number of segments is corrected "according to the battery capacity."
It is unclear from their description how the correction is applied, or in which direction. It has been hypothesized that the low end of the range would apply to a new battery and the high end to a degraded battery, but this has not been confirmed. It has also been suggested that the LEAF may be estimating the temperature inside the cells with a crude thermal model, and adjusting the estimate based on known degradation. This would imply that a new battery would be at the high end of the range.
Battery Gauge Segment / Temperature Chart[4]:
Seg___MinDegrees C(F)_Max Degrees C (F)
12_______56 (133)________none
11_______52 (126)________59 (138)
10_______49 (120)________56 (133)
9________47 (117)________52 (126)
8________36 (97)_________49 (120)
7________23 (73)_________47 (117)
6________10 (50)_________38 (100)
5________-3 (27)_________27 (81)
4________-5 (23)_________15 (59)
3________-8 (18)_________4 (39)
2________-12 (10)________2 (36)
1________-15 (5)_________-2 (28)
0________none _________-5 (23)