Solarmobil XOF1 unterwegs auf der Ice Road in Kanada - Elektroauto Forum

Solarmobil XOF1 unterwegs auf der Ice Road in Kanada

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Die Storry möchte ich Euch nicht vorenthalten.
Da spaziert man so lässig in Inuvik in Kanada durch die Gegend und da treffe ich meinen alten Bekannten Marcelo da Luz vom letzten Juli wieder. Im letzten Jahr ist er den Dempster Highway bis nach Inuvik auf eigener Achse gefahren und heute fährt der verrückte Hund die Ice Road nach Tuktoyaktuk hoch, alles Solar versteht sich. Ich bin ein Teil der Strecke mit dem Auto gefahren. Nix für schwache Nerven. Er hat solange wie möglich warten müssen da die Sonnenstunden jetzt immer länger und intensiver werden. Allerdings ist es in den letzten 4 Tagen von -20 Grad auf +4 Grad warm geworden. Er ist am 10.04. losgefahren und in Tuktoyaktuk angekommen, aber zurück ist er noch nicht. Die Ice Road taut auf, und das schnell.

Update: Marcelo ist am 14. wieder in Inuvik angekommen. Sein Service Wagen mit Anhänger steht wieder vor der Tür. Muß mal sehen wo er steckt..

Hier ein paar BIlder vom Start in Inuvik:

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On the Ice Road: (Die Bilder sind nicht von mir, konnte leider nicht mitfahren, musste arbeiten)

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Ich treffe mich mit Marcelo nach der Ice Road Tour um zu plauschen..
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Ich habe mal den Pressetext mal im original gelassen:

Marcelo da Luz in his solar car en route to Tuk on April 10, 2010.
Photograph by: Supplied,

EDMONTON &#8212; A 225-kilogram solar car with room for one is a far cry from the many-tonne trucks that famously brave ice roads in Canada&#8217;s frigid territories.

But Marcelo da Luz&#8217;s trip north from Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk &#8212; driving across 187 kilometres of frozen water in his team&#8217;s sleek solar monster &#8212; was not without peril.

Gaping cracks in the ice chewed up the car&#8217;s wheels; the team that follows had to change four tires on the 9.5-hour drive. Further complicating matters were temperatures that dipped to -10 C, when da Luz lacks an on-board heater.

His three-wheeled sliver of a car, dubbed Xof1, left Inuvik for Tuktoyaktuk with a full charge on April 10. According to its driver, the car was running on &#8220;solar fumes&#8221; when it rolled into the secluded hamlet on the northern coast of the continental Northwest Territories around 8:30 p.m.

da Luz reached Inuvik via Edmonton in the car last week. He left Inuvik heading north, on a pretty smooth stretch of ice road, and was able to reach at most 70 km/h at certain points (the car can do 120 km/h).

The conditions of the road deteriorated as da Luz ventured further north, forcing him to slow to a 30-40 km/h crawl usually reserved for steep hills. The car frequently spun out as da Luz alternated between driving on the ice and on snow.

He says it is the first time a solar car has crossed the ice road.

&#8220;We are still in Tuk, the weather has been overcast, we are waiting to have a full battery pack before venturing on the ice road again,&#8221; da Luz told The Journal via e-mail on Monday. &#8220;It has been an incredible challenge, the biggest concern are cracks in the ice running parallel to the road.&#8221;

The team prepares for Tuesday&#8217;s return trip to Inuvik with concerns that the sun powering the car may also hinder its progress, as clear skies threaten to further deteriorate the ice road.

It took the former flight attendant and his learned crew of engineers, students and professors more than 50,000 hours to build the car. Over the last two years, the 41-year-old Torontonian has driven more than 35,000 km, and hopes to next take the thing to Argentina.


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