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  • Btw, my friend is maybe intrested for Your car, i just sent him a message. (but in your case i would like to exchange the IGBT first, the price of the IGBT is approx usd 27 from aliexpress and took appr. 2-3 hours to exchange)
    Welcome! I just found your problem. I had same problem on my Berlingo (when i bought), it had faulty main IGBT. When you press the throttle then there is a yellow warning light, and the fault is: chopper board failure. The price of the IGBT is app. usd 27, and took about 2 hours to exchange. There was no burning marks on the chopper control board (usually the excitation's small IGBT like to burn) .


    Hello Laszlo,
    thank you for your advices, but a few days ago I sell my eCar. So, there is no further chance to fix the fault.
    Very nice that you want to help me.
    best greetings
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